Chicago: Memories of Uptown




Huffington Post Scandal: Another Comment

Dr. Peter Rost

The Huffington Post Censure Scandal

As those of you who have been following my recent postings here about how Huffington Post, the highly influential and allegedly progressive political website banned one of its writers after he discovered an anonymous heckler on his blog was actually the Post’s technology manager.

In his Huffington Post article, Peter Rost exposed the identity of the heckler, which prompted HuffPost to temporarily block his access, soon followed by notifying him that he had been permanently banned from writing articles for the Post. Dr. Rost had been writing at the Huffington Post for about three months and written over 60 articles. When this incident began to become known on the web, the blogging world was outraged by the censorship imposed by Arianna Huffington’s politically powerful website. There was, so to speak, a collective uprising in defense of Rost and condemning Huffington.

On Rost’s personal website, his readership suddenly exploded from a relatively limited number, to over 103,008 page loads and 88,043 unique visitors in the three days subsequent to his being ostrasized by The Huffington Post. I was, therefore, extremely pleased to learn that on June 26th, Dr. Rost highlighted my last posting here about the Huffington scandal on his own now increasingly widely-read website:

“The Huffington Post: Final Diagnosis–Officially Insane”

I’ve found a new favorite blog: Et Cetera.

And the way this blog uses images is hilarious.

Such as the image for this post:

The Huffington Post: Final Diagnosis–Officially Insane

Read it and laugh!