The Chimney Sweep: Reflections about Mutually Caring Relationships

The Chimney Sweep: Reflections about Mutually Caring Relationships

The Chimney Sweep is a wonderful stop-motion animation by Joseph Mann, set high atop an Edinburgh roof. It’s a delightful animated short, but it’s also so very much more than that. The Chimney Sweep quickly and deeply engages the viewer in reflections about issues of developing caring, mutually reciprocal relationships with another. The film quietly provides a gentle illustration of both our needs for the other and the other’s similar wishes, needs for a co-constructed personal involvement that is distinctively characterized by a sense of caring, mutual recognition.

The Chimney Sweep: Reflections about Mutually Caring Relationships

(Best Viewed in Full-Screen Mode)

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The Capacity to Be Alone, All by My Self

The Capacity to Be Alone, All by My Self

The psychological capacity to be alone, as opposed to feeling lonely, is said to be the foundation for a sense of the self or of who we are. In addition, it nourishes growth promoting introspective thought, imagination and creativity. The media composition presented here today, which is comprised of photographs, a short film and a photo-gallery, represents the beginning of developing a small composition that portrays the differing experiences of loneliness, solitude and being alone. The piece will be modified each day, with a final set of writings, photographs, a short film and a photo-gallery appearing here by January 1st.

Alone, All by My Self

The Capacity to Be Alone, All by My Self

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