Madagascar: A Journey Diary

Madagascar: A Journey Diary

Madagascar: A Journey Diary is an extraordinary animated short film by the French animator Bastien Dubois. The film is completing quite an impressive festival run, which has included playing at Sundance, winning at Ottawa and winning at Annecy. Madagascar has just been short-listed for the 2011 Academy Awards in the Animated Short Film category.

Madagascar unfolds in the form of a travel notebook, where the pages turn and drawings come to life for us to discover the extraordinary customs and rituals of the Red Island, in particular the cult of the reversal of the dead. The film is deeply appealing for the same reason travel documentaries succeed, our intrinsic captivation with other places and other people. Along the way, the style of the piece, the jumble of half-finished looking sketches and images across multiple styles, recreates that often overwhelming sense of being fully present and stimulated that one gets when placed in such a rich, yet foreign environment.

Madagascar: A Journey Diary

(Please Click Image to View Film)

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