Brian Williams Interviews Marcel the Shell on National TV!!

Brian Williams Interviews Marcel the Shell on National TV!!

Jenny Slate‘s post-Saturday Night Live success with Marcel the Shell with Shoes On is an uplifting tale of picking yourself up after what some would consider a big defeat (being booted from SNL after one season) and creating something even more awesome. Jenny and her fiancee, Dean Fleischer-Camp, created a viral video about a shell with shoes and a lentil hat that currently has 14 million views and is now an Amazon best-selling book. When interviewed by Brian Williams for his new NBC show, The Rock, Williams can’t help but melt in the face of little Marcel.

Brian Williams Interviews Marcel the Shell on National TV!!

Shell Game: A Frank Discussion on Gender with Marcel’s “Parents”

Marcel The Shell With Shoes On, Two

Marcel The Shell With Shoes On, Two is a delightful four-minute animated short film about a teensy-tiny cute little shell, directed by Dean Fleischer-Camp and voiced (untreated & unenhanced) by genius former SNL-actress and comedian Jenny Slate. Everyday life can be very, very hard for the tiny little shell. Marcel’s car is a bug with a mind of its own, his only form of public transportation is an under-the-weather caterpillar and small dogs become menacing giants. Marcel The Shell With Shoes On doesn’t let that get him down though. He invites friends over for festive salad feasts, skis on toenails and enjoys reading store receipts “to get a feel for daily life.”

Adorably voiced by Slate, Marcel discusses the reality of being a shell, including sleeping on a piece of bread, wearing hats made from lentils and the dangers of holding balloons. Slate and Fleischer-Camp have turned Marcel into a miniature multimedia tycoon with two videos, an iTunes app, a possible television show and now a children’s book. The book, titled Marcel The Shell With Shoes On: Things About Me, is full of drawings of Marcel around his home, visiting the aquarium (a fishtank), playing with his dog (a piece of lint tied to a strand of hair) and climbing his own Mount Everest (a sandal). Hopefully the famous talking shell has the energy for all this, since Marcel gets winded just walking across his desk.

Ugh, the tiny shell with two feet and one eye is so darn cute. This may very well be one of the most adorable videos ever made. Fantastic.

Marcel The Shell With Shoes On Returns!!

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Marcel The Shell With Shoes On Returns!!

Marcel The Shell With Shoes On Returns!!

Marcel The Shell With Shoes On, Two is a delightful four-minute animated short film about a teensy-tiny cute little shell, directed by Dean Fleischer-Camp and voiced (untreated & unenhanced) by genius former SNL-actress and comedian Jenny Slate. Everyday life can be very, very hard for the tiny little shell. Marcel’s car is a bug with a mind of its own, his only form of public transportation is an under-the-weather caterpillar and small dogs become menacing giants. Marcel The Shell With Shoes On doesn’t let that get him down though. He invites friends over for festive salad feasts, skis on toenails and enjoys reading store receipts “to get a feel for daily life.”

Adorably voiced by Slate, Marcel discusses the reality of being a shell, including sleeping on a piece of bread, wearing hats made from lentils and the dangers of holding balloons. Slate and Fleischer-Camp have turned Marcel into a miniature multimedia tycoon with two videos, an iTunes app, a possible television show and now a children’s book. The book, titled Marcel The Shell With Shoes On: Things About Me, is full of drawings of Marcel around his home, visiting the aquarium (a fishtank), playing with his dog (a piece of lint tied to a strand of hair) and climbing his own Mount Everest (a sandal). Hopefully the famous talking shell has the energy for all this, since Marcel gets winded just walking across his desk.

Ugh, the tiny shell with two feet and one eye is so darn cute. This may very well be one of the most adorable videos ever made. Fantastic.

Marcel The Shell With Shoes On Returns!!

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