The Precise Moment: An Unusual Alliance

The Moment Lightning Shared The Sky With A Rainbow

When a beautiful rainbow formed in the sky, people stopped and stared at the natural wonder. But then lightning sparked across the evening panorama, as two of nature’s most spectacular phenomena created an unusual alliance.

Andrew Sullivan Observes: The Widening Conflagration


Andrew Sullivan observes at The Daily Dish:

It’s hard to avoid the conclusion from the fast-changing events in the Middle East that we are approaching a wider conflagration. The Maliki government is hanging by a thread as Casey begs for more troops for Baghdad. Only three years too late. Iran’s success in infiltrating and controlling a large chunk of Iraq has now emboldened the mullahs not merely to press ahead with nuclear weapons but also to attack Israel via Hezbollah. This has always been a regional conflict, with Iran and Syria as dangerous than Saddam ever was. The Middle East has exploded before, of course. But not with 130,000 American troops stationed in the heart of it.